Mission & Vision

At Rominitii Coffee Company, our mission is to save abandoned and stray dogs through ethically sourced coffee and products. We donate a portion of all profits towards veterinary clinics, animal shelters, dog foster care organizations, and animal rescue centers. Our goal is to create a society where there are no more homeless animals, and every dog has a chance to live, heal, and find a loving home. Every order placed with us brings us one step closer to this dream.

Our vision at Rominitii Coffee is to blend the love for exceptional coffee with a passion for making a meaningful difference in the lives of dogs. Through our dedication to crafting high-quality, ethically sourced coffee, we aim to generate resources to support and promote the welfare of dogs in need. We strive to raise awareness about animal welfare issues, collaborate with reputable rescue organizations, and contribute to initiatives that rescue, rehabilitate, and find loving homes for dogs. We embody compassion, responsibility, and excellence in all that we do, aiming to be a beacon of hope for our loyal four-legged companions.

For dog lovers:
At Rominitii Coffee Company, our mission is to save abandoned and stray dogs by using ethically sourced coffee and products. We donate a portion of our profits to veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and dog foster care organizations to provide these dogs with a chance to live, heal, and find loving homes. Our vision is to create a society where no animal is homeless, and every dog gets the care and love they deserve.

For marginalized communities:
Rominitii Coffee Company is dedicated to supporting the welfare of dogs in need through our high-quality, ethically sourced coffee. By donating a portion of our profits to animal rescue centers and partnering with reputable organizations, we aim to raise awareness about animal welfare issues and provide resources to rescue and rehabilitate dogs. We strive to be a beacon of hope and compassion for our four-legged companions.

For coffee enthusiasts:
Rominitii Coffee Company offers a variety of single-serve coffee capsules in different blends and flavors, as well as sample packs for customers to enjoy. Our commitment to saving abandoned dogs through ethically sourced products means that every purchase contributes to our mission of providing support to animal welfare organizations. By opting out of targeted advertising, customers can enjoy their coffee knowing they are making a difference in the lives of dogs in need.

Mission & Vision

The Rominitii Coffee Company offers a variety of single-serve coffee capsules in different blends and flavors, as well as sample packs for customers to try a selection of their best-selling coffees. They also have a mission to save abandoned and stray dogs through ethically sourced coffee and products, donating a portion of profits to animal welfare organizations. Additionally, they provide customers the option to opt-out of the sharing of personal information for targeted advertising.

Products & Services

Products & Services

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Important Pages


Explore Rominitii's "Around the World" Coffee Collection.

Rominitii Around the World Collection

Sample Packs

Check out the various sample packs available.

60 Pack

12 pack

Mission & Vision

Learn about Rominitii Coffee Company's mission and vision.

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Sharing of personal information for targeted advertising based on your interaction on different websites may be considered "sales", "sharing," or "targeted advertising" under certain U.S. state privacy laws. Depending on where you live, you may have the right to opt out of these activities. If you would like to exercise this opt-out right, please follow the instructions below.

If you visit our website with the Global Privacy Control opt-out preference signal enabled, depending on where you are, we will treat this as a request to opt-out of activity that may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” of personal information or other uses that may be considered targeted advertising for the device and browser you used to visit our website.

  • Eric .S


    5 Stars

    9weeks ago

    Delivery · Other ·




  • Cherie L. Romine

    Cherie Romine

    9 weeks ago

    Delivery · Other ·






  • Mari


    5 Stars

    8 weeks ago

    Delish!! My two adult children loved also, I will be placing an order very soon!! Great Presentation Darshawn

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